Invisalign cost and info

What is Invisalign ®?

Invisalign ® is a custom-made clear-aligner orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth using invisible and removable aligners. A 3-D computer imaging technology manufactur your Invisalign, ensuring comfort and transforming your smile without interfering with your daily life. But, Who are the ideal candidates to experience this unique innovative approach? Patients who suffer from overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, cross bite, overbite or under bite.

Why Invisalign ® in Costa Rica?

Invisalign ® aligners are almost invisible as well as removable. Mario Garita MP Dental Clinic Patients can remove the Invisalign ® aligners before eating any type of food or before brushing and flossing, making oral hygiene process extremely easy. They are not fix to the denture. Remember that metal brackets is the material of Conventional braces, they cause discomfort and pain, and in many cases producing ulcers or abrasions in the mouth, with Invisalign ® the patients only feel some kind of pressure in the very early stages of the treatment.

Patients will also experience fewer visits to the doctor’s office. Compare:

  • Regular braces need adjustments every 3 or 4 weeks
  • With Invisalign ® visits will vary to appointments every 6 or 8 weeks
  • Invisalign ® also provides a virtual plan for the patients to:
    1. Visualize each stage of the treatment,
    2. Provide an accurate estimated time for its completion and
    3. Picture how their straight teeth will look after the treatment is finished.

How does Invisalign® work?

An Invisalign ® trained doctor will photograph and scan your teeth to create a treatment plan where you can virtually see the final position of your teeth. The manufacturer of the aligners will use the samples to make customized sets of aligners and will deliver them to the doctor’s office. Once you receive them you have to wear them for 20-22 hours a day and change them at home every 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss.

As you replace the current aligner with the new one, your teeth will gradually move until they reach the final position that was set on the initial virtual plan. The doctor will schedule an appointment once every 6 weeks approximately to confirm that the treatment is progressing as planned. The average time to complete the whole treatment is from 9 to 15 months and the average number of aligners needed is between 18 and 30, but both numbers may vary depending of the nature of each case.

Invisalign in brief

What: Invisalign is a custom-made clear-aligner orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth using invisible and removable aligners.

Why:First, are invisible. Second they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in Invisalign® treatment.

HowOnce you receive them you have to wear them for 20-22 hours a day and change them at home every 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss.

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